Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bethany Grace is 3!

July 2005

July 2006

July 2007

July 22, 2008

Looking back through all the pictures we've taken since Bethany was born has blown me away...where did the last three years go?! My baby has grown into a full blown little girl! We had Grammy, Papa and Great Grannie Hughes out for dinner last night. After we had cake Bethany opened her gifts from us. It was a hoot, she had to open all the "baby" gifts from Grammy and Grannie first. (Right now anything small is called a baby, anything medium sized is a mommy and anything large is called a daddy.) We got her a trunk of dress up clothes and the little Vanity. Hayden got Bethany a princess backpack for school.

Bethany couldn't even wait for Drew to finish putting the Vanity together before she had to sit down and check it out! She also had to have several costume changes last night.

1 comment:

Amy Kilpatrick said...

It is amazing how quickly the years go by! OMG, She & Alison would get along fabulously with all that Princess stuff!